Course Description

This IRIS Online Course is designed for people who are responsible for managing documents and records within Government, Private, and Not-for-profit organisations, as part of business and legislative requirements to keep records for set periods of time.

Designed as an introduction to the activities of Sentencing and Disposal, the course may also be used as a ‘refresher’ for those people who have previously attended our Face to Face courses.

In this eCourse we will learn about making the decisions concerning which records and documents to retain, and for how long, as determined by legal instruments known generally as Records Authorities. By the end of this course, participants will have received the training required to enable them to undertake Sentencing as part of an organisation’s Disposal Program.

Course duration: Approximately 120 minutes

IRIS Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Key Terms

    • Usage Agreement

    • Course Introduction and Information

    • Key Terms

    • Key Terms and Definitions

  • 2

    Session 1 - What is Sentencing?

    • Sentencing for Records Disposal

    • Tools Used for Sentencing

    • Disposal Authorities

  • 3

    Session 2 - The Disposal Authority

    • Disposal Authorities/Schedules

    • Structure of a Disposal Authority

    • Components of a Disposal Authority

    • Using a Disposal Authority

    • Functional Retention and Disposal Authorities

    • Disposal Triggers

    • Disposal Trigger Quiz

  • 4

    Session 3 - Rules and Tips

    • How do we start Sentencing?

    • Rules for Sentencing

    • Sentencing Tips

    • Sentencing Tips Downloads

    • Quiz: Sentencing Activity 1

  • 5

    Session 4 - Sentencing

    • Sentencing and Classification

    • Assessing Significance

    • Quiz: Sentencing Activity 2

    • Resentencing

    • Quiz: Sentencing Activity 3

    • Sentencing in a Digital Environment

    • Control Metadata

    • Making Sentencing Decisions

    • Quiz: Sentencing Activity 4

  • 6

    Session 5 - What is Disposal?

    • Records Disposal

    • Which Disposal Authority?

    • Documentation for Disposal

    • Digital Disposal from Start to Finish

    • Disposal in a Digital Environment

    • Managing Digital Disposal

    • Risks Involved With Digital Disposal

    • Disposal of Source Records

    • Quiz: Disposal and Documentation

  • 7

    Session 6 - Records Destruction

    • Approval Processes

    • Destruction

    • Methods of Destruction

    • Quiz: Legitimate Destruction

  • 8

    Course Summary

    • Course Summary

    • Course Summary Download

    • Course Survey